Can Second Chances Be Beneficial?

My guess is:He hurt you, and now he wants you back.It occurs.In fact, most women have experienced it.Loneliness after a bad breakup leads to attempts at reconciliation.These might work out in the end, but most of the time, it's not the best choice for you.After all, even if he broke your heart once, there is a good chance he will break it again.

Assess the severity of how he broke your heart as soon as possible.Was the relationship really a disaster?Was he mean to you or cheated on you?Did you spar frequently?Or was the relationship simply experiencing difficulties?You need to really think Reviews about what caused your relationship to end in the first place, and then you need to decide if that will affect your relationship going forward.For instance, if he cheated on you, it might be hard for you to forgive him.However, if the relationship was meant to be, you can easily move on from the fact that it ended due to something as minor as a miscommunication.

Second, you need to consider the reasons why he wants you back now rather than after the relationship ended.You need to be absolutely certain that his intentions are sincere and genuine in order to avoid suffering a second heartbreak too quickly.You should probably just let him go if it looks like he's realized that being single is too hard for him or that he just wants company (or sex).On the other hand, it might be something to think about if it looks like he really misses you and is working really hard to get your affection back.

Thirdly, you need to consider the LovingFeel  state of your relationship prior to the first breakup.There must have been issues if the relationship ever ended.Women have a propensity to remember good times and bad times with fondness, ignoring the good times.This can be a good way of thinking in some situations, but it can be dangerous when thinking about reconciling with an ex.Do you miss your ex and romanticize the good times you had together?Or did you in fact spend all of those enjoyable times together?Was there more good than bad?You will have found the answer if you ask yourself these questions.
