This kindergarten teacher girl used to be friends with me.
Some of my favorite stories ever.
She specifically informed me that children do not listen when told what to do.No matter what you say, you'll sound like the teacher from the old Charlie Brown review cartoons, especially if they're younger than seven.
They will ignore you as you lecture until you are blue in the face.They only pay attention to you because they believe that's what they should be doing.
But they'll follow you if you do something and look like you're having fun.
She learned that she could teach them anything she wanted by just doing it and having fun, and they would copy her.She didn't even need to say anything about what she was doing.
This is similar to what occurs when they are lectured.The kids imitate the adult who is standing there with a bored expression on her face.Every one of the children stand there with exhausted looks on their appearances.
Presently, this doesn't stop at kindergarten.This is what we do all our lives.Without much conscious thought, we simply copy those around us for a significant portion of our lives.
However, the majority of us are too caught up in our thoughts to realize this.
You will get lost in the shuffle if you move through the world constantly looking to other people for advice on what to do, how to act, and what to say.
But people will notice if you do what you want and enjoy yourself.
Consider a few examples from your own past as evidence.
one in which you entered the club unsure of yourself and constantly looked for IOI or other welcome signals.Perhaps you achieved some success.
However, when you think back to the times when you didn't even care about girls,doing what you wanted, having fun with your boys.You were carrying out your desires.Looking ahead
And people did as well.
not only the people you were with, but also the ones you didn't expect to be there.
like women.
You probably have a few examples of this in your past.
It couldn't be any more obvious, when you truly fail to remember the world, have some good times, and live it up, the world will duplicate you.
Including all of the attractive women you want to approach.Enjoy yourself, and people will want to talk to you.
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